The theme of the DEVADATTA is two of the problems faced by Mahayana Buddhism at that time: the evil person became Buddha and the female person became Buddha. In the first half, the story of a past world tells that DEVADATTA, who is regarded as a villain in biography of Sakyamuni Buddha, was in fact an important irreplaceable "Good Knowledge" for Buddha. Then, DAVADATTA will become a Buddha called Heavenly-King, revealing that no evil person would leak into the Buddha's mercy. In the second half, the woman is shown by preaching that the daughter of an eight-year-old Dragon King was able to become Buddha by teaching the Lotus Sutra.
When Buddha was once a king of a large nation, he long sought for the great law of the Lotus Sutra. To that end, he wanted to gain all his life, even if he discarded everything. One day, he met a hermit called Asita, and said, "If you practice with me, I will preach a great law." When the king heard this, he was very pleased and served himself with this hermit. Despite the long years, the king did not feel any tiredness or pain. Thus, through his devotion, he gained a great law and was able to make a Buddha. The great king at that time was Shakyamuni Buddha, and the hermit was DEVADATTA. The reason that Shakyamuni became a Buddha now is because of his "Good Knowledge". In other words, there is neither good nor evil while living. If there is, there is good and evil to teach something, so to speak, this is "Knowledge". As a result, the DAVADATTA passed by indefinitely and became a Buddha called Heavenly-King.
At this time, Buddha swiftly made Accumulated-Wisdom Bodhisattva, the servant of Many-Treasures Buddha, teach the Lotus Sutra, and the daughter of an eight-year-old dragon god was quickly formed into a Buddha, despite having five impaired women. He showed and gave the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.
Nichiren Shu Ishikawa Dojo statement
DAVADATTA was a cousin of Shakyamuni Buddha and his brother was Ananda, who was called ”TAMON DAI-ICHI”(Hear a lot NO.1). He was a competitor to Shakyamuni from an early age. Shakyamuni welcomed Yasodhara as his wife, but the one who thought about Yasodhara was his wife. As Shakyamuni's reputation grew, DAVADATTA became less calm, and various desires of jealousy, patience, or anger grew. Therefore, various persecutions were planned in an attempt to destroy the reputation of the Shakyamuni Buddha.
At first he approached Ajatasatru Prince, the son of King Binvisara in Magada, who had relied on Shakyamuni Buddha and donated the bamboo forest Temple. The king was imprisoned in prison and eventually died. This has been reported as "The tragedy of the Royal Castle".
DAVADATTA urges Shakyamuni Buddha to give the Buddhist Sangha himself, but is told in front of everyone that "I will not leave it to anyone who eat other people's saliva for his own benefit." When he thought he couldn't take over the Buddhist Sangha, he attempted to divide the Sangha. He insisted that the discipline of the Sangha be strict over five articles.
First of all, wear only a poor garment called "FUNZONE". Second, they eat only by alms, and are not offered an invitation. Third, eat only once a day. Fourth, live outdoors, not under trees or indoors. Fifth, do not eat milk or butter.
The five articles were rejected by Shakyamuni Buddha, but DAVADATTA recruited supporters, and took 500 new priests who were ignorant of the Sangha, and left at Mt.Elephant Head in Gaya. Knowing this, the religious priests Sariputra and Moggarana went to Mt.Elephant Head, slept DAVADATTA with their power of miracle, and returned 500 people to the sangha.
To abolish this grudge, the awakening DAVADATTA dropped a large rock and tried to kill Buddha, injuring Buddha's toes. He also instructed King Ajatasatru to release a drunk elephant and slay the Buddha. In addition, he killed RENGE-BIKUNI who rejected this fact. Finally, DAVADATTA poisons his nails and pretends to bow the Buddha's feet. He tries to kill Buddha, but the poison goes to himself and kills his life.
In the past, what was the fact that a person who had the Rotus Sutra as an ASITA hermit in the past and led to the Buddha by preaching the Lotus Sutra for the Great King, who had become a rebellious DAVADATTA and suffered Buddha?
The teachings of one generation of Shakyamuni-Buddha are divided into four stages, and they are called Zoukyo・Tukyo・Bekkyo・Enkyo. Zokyo is the teaching of Hinayana, Tukyo is the teaching of the beginning of Mahayana, and Bekkyo is the teaching of the latter. The teachings are preached in these three religions as evils should be destroyed and goods should be born.
However, in the ultimate teaching of Mahayana, the teaching of Enkyo, recognizing the utility of evil, the Buddhist religion is transformed into a view that only if there is both good and evil will Buddhist training be completed. The experience of evil makes you feel the importance of good and deepens your desire for good.
It is said that DAVADATTA was already fevered at birth. This is called natural heat. In other words, it implied a life of suffering from the anguish of life and death. DAVADATTA, while Shakyamuni-Buddha was good, embodyed evil himself and helped the indoctrination of Buddha.
The second half of Chapter 12 discusses the female becoming Buddha and the dragon girl as it is. Here comes the eight-year-old daughter of the Dragon-King Sagara. She was indoctrinated at the dragon's palace at the Manjusri Bodhisattva's Lotus Sutra, excelled in wisdom and, in a short time, enlightened and obtained a state of reversal. Moreover, she is excellent in speech and has a deep heart of compassion for the people, and she speaks broadly and deeply. And she was caring and kind, so she was able to reach enlightenment.
On the other hand, Accumulated-Wisdom-Bodhisattva and Sariputra raise questions from the standpoints of Bekkyo and Zoukyo. "Even though Shakyamuni-Buddha has long practiced and penanced, accumulated merit, and gained enlightenment by virtue, the eight-year-old dragon girl should be able to complete enlightenment in a very short time. There is an ancient saying that women have five obstacles: one for the Brahman-Heavenly-King, two for the King-Sakra, three for the King-Mara, four for the Wheel-turning-holy-king, and five for the Buddha. But why can an eight-year-old dragon girl be a Buddha? "
At that time, the dragon girl had a gem, but its value was comparable to the treasures of one thousand million Sumeru-worlds. The gem was offered to Shakyamuni-buddha, who immediately received it. The only gem dedicated to the Buddha can be regarded as "life" itself, and it can be said to be a religion that spares no life.
The dragon girl who offered the gem said to Accumulated-Wisdom- Bodhisattva and Sariputra, "I have offered the gem, but was the Shakyamuni-Buddha picked up quickly? Watch me become a Buddha, it will be even faster than this. "As soon as she tell this, the dragon girl will immediately turn into a boy, with the training of a bodhisattva, and preaching for the people of the world. The people who were at the seat of the Void Society at Mt.Sacred Eagle witnessed this situation.
Thus, Accumulated-Wisdom- Bodhisattva and Sariputra, and all the people who saw the becoming Buddha of the dragon girl, that is, the becoming Buddha of the woman, silently accepted this fact.
Buddha first preached in the three teachings of Zoukyo, Tukyo, and Bekkyo, eternal training to reincarnate and evolve into death in eternal life. Then, in Chapter 12 "DAIBADATTA" of the Lotus Sutra, which was preached for eight years in the later years, The Buddha preached an improvised Buddha in which all sentient beings manifest themselves as "life of the Buddha."