Two bodhisattvas, two heavenly kings, and ten Rasetsu protect with secret divine incantations from various persecutions and disasters that will inevitably be encountered in propagating the Lotus Sutra. It is this dharani product that expresses this.
Dharani is a phonetic transcription of the ancient Indian word dharani, and does not have a literal meaning. If you dare to translate it into Chinese, it can be translated as ``to keep everything'' because it holds everything well and does not forget it, or it can also be translated as ``well blocking'' because it often blocks bad laws. However, this dharani was originally thought of as a kind of secret word, a so-called spell, and it is believed that simply uttering and chanting this dharani can remove various obstacles and obtain many merits.
In order to protect those who uphold the Lotus Sutra, the Medicine-King Bodhisattva, the Brave-In-Giving Bodhisattva, the Vaiseravana Heavenly-King, the World-Holding Heavenly-King, Ten-Raksasis, and the Mother-Of-Devils and others each preached a mantra. In other words, it can be said that this piece responds to hesitation and turmoil with protection and mantras.
Nichiren Shu Ishikawa Dojo statement
Dharanis has four powers:
1. Power to heal illness
2. Power to protect the law
3. Power to destroy sin
4. Power to gain enlightenment
In this way, dharanis have the power to cure illnesses, protect the correct teaching, eliminate various sins created by humans, and finally attain enlightenment. .
Chinese Xuanzang of Tang gave five reasons as to why he did not translate the dharanis, but transcribed it with the sound as it is.
1. "It's a secret, so I can't change it."
Divine curses like those of Dharanis are secret laws and should not be translated, nor can they be translated.
2. "Cannot be overturned because it contains ambiguity"
"Dharanis" has many meanings, so translating it might end up hurting its meaning. For example, in addition to the meaning of large, the word ``Maka'' also means that there are many in number or quantity, and that it is extremely superior. comes up.
3. "I can't turn around because I don't have it in this country"
There is no such thing as Dharanis in the Tang dynasty, so it cannot be translated.
4. "Following the old example, so it can't be changed"
It is an ancient custom not to translate things like Dharanis.
5. "I can't turn away because I want to produce good."
For example, the word "Hannya" has more weight and depth than interpreting it as wisdom. In the same way, dharanis, without translation, are more mysterious, more rewarding, and more profound.
Citation "Lectures on the Lotus Sutra Part 2" Lecture by Holiness Nitijun Tanaka